I can set all the values to 9999 and then hit the upgrade button, and it'll revert to the pre-upgraded version, undoing all changes.
Has anyone figured out how to make other weapon/armor modifications STICK yet? Every time I try to change any of the other values (IE projectile dmg, projectile speed, reload, any of the stats for heroes or defenses) it ignores it if it's modified via the CE. Thanks in advance if anyone manages to figure something out for this. I can find a value that matches the sell value when I just mouse over each item, but if I edit it it stops working. What I'd LIKE to do is get it to where mousing over an item or highlighting it (single click on it) automatically increases the sell value for the item to that "maxed out" value (~$4.3 billion), but my initial attempt at that didn't have any effect. Repeat with next item in list (note that when I did this to more than one item at a time, and then sold the first one, the value changed back to normal on the second item) Add this value and browse its memory region, then identify where the start of it is (I do it by changing the value a little), then in the memory region alter the first 8 entries to all Fs, which changes the sell value to 4,294,967,295 (about $4.3 B) which is as high as I can get it right now since changing the entries beyond that seem to do nothing Plug in the item's new sell value in CE (this usually brings up just one result, which is the one we want) Go back in and bring up the item's upgrade screen and upgrade any field once this increases the item's sell value by a bit

In the inventory, mouse over the equipment to find its sell value (top right of the item's info window) and plug it into CE as an exact value 4-byte search Collect some equipment, lower grade makes it easier to find the values for later since in the UI any values over 9,999 get abbreviated (IE 13,567 becomes 13.56 K, or 56,782,930 becomes 56.78 M in the game's UI, though the stored values retain the full number)

I'm kind of a neophyte when it comes to the intermediate and advanced functions of the Cheat Engine, in spite of being a long-time user of the program. Anywho I found a somewhat plodding way to amass some billions of gold and was wondering if any of y'all can find a way to streamline it. So I've been toying with this game a bit, kind of a fan of the entire series.